Texas News

After a mosquito pool tested positive for West Nile Virus, the City of McKinney to spray area for mosquitoes

McKinney, Texas – In a decisive measure aimed at controlling the mosquito population, the City of McKinney is preparing to disperse insecticide in a designated areas following the detection of West Nile Virus in a local mosquito pool. This operation, subject to the vicissitudes of the weather, started at 10 p.m. on Monday, June 26th. The city didn’t disclose if the spraying will continue in the upcoming days.

City of McKinney to spray several areas for mosquitoes

The targeted locality for this operation is delineated by significant geographical features and landmarks within the city. Its boundaries extend eastwards from College Street and westwards up to the precincts of McKinney National Airport. It also sprawls south from the brink of Powerhouse Creek and advances north to the confines of Industrial Boulevard.

As part of the city’s commitment to transparent communication and public safety, signage is to be deployed at critical intersections, alerting residents to the upcoming mosquito control measures. Detailed information, inclusive of a comprehensive map delineating the spray area, will be made accessible on the city’s official online platform at https://www.mckinneytexas.org/222/Mosquito-Control.

For those residents inhabiting the marked spray area, the city has issued clear directives. During the course of the spraying operation, it is strongly advised to remain within the safety of their homes and to ensure the welfare of their pets by bringing them inside for the evening.

Furthermore, those residents with reservations about the spray operation in the vicinity of their homes have been granted an option. They are encouraged to establish contact with the City of McKinney Health Compliance division at 972-547-7447, signaling their disinterest in participating in this specific mosquito control endeavor.

The City of Arlington has recently conducted ground spraying after confirming four positive West Nile Virus (WNV) mosquito samples.

Carlton Doyle

At his current position at the Dallas Metro, Carlton brings his extensive experience and sharp intellect to every story he covers. His writing is crisp and compelling, and his attention to detail is unparalleled. Whether he's delving into hard-hitting investigative pieces or writing about lighter topics, Carlton always brings his A-game.

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