Difficulty in finding ADHD drugs in Fort Worth and across the US causes concern for patients.
A Shortage on Name Brand Adderall Plagues Tarrant County and Beyond
Reported shortages on name brand Adderall, a medication used for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), have left residents of Tarrant County anxiously searching for answers. Since October 2022, countless sufferers have noticed diminished supply and increased difficulty in obtaining their essential medication. Local Fort Worth pharmacies have advised that their ADHD medication supply is limited, and cannot guarantee when it will be restocked. Their anecdotal evidence suggests that the shortage is expanding and affecting more and more people. This has been fueled partially by telemedicine, which saw a prevalent increase during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with some manufacturing issues.
ADHD, also known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological disorder that affects individuals in many aspects of their lives. Its symptoms can cause low self-esteem, troublesome relationships, and difficulty with schoolwork or at work. JPS Health Network’s pharmacy department has been able to monitor the shortage through the hospital’s wholesalers and has been able to issue prescriptions for patients’ urgent care needs. While they still lack a sufficient supply to meet the relentless demand, they can use different doses and mixtures of other strengths to remedy the situation.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, the shortage began because of manufacturing delays and production issues at Teva, a drug company that produces both generic and name-brand Adderall, which helps people retain focus and attention. Other manufacturers such as Epic Pharma LLC continue to produce Adderall, but there is not enough supply to meet the rising demands. The production of such medication has seen a 30% increase in the last five years and continued to grow during the COVID-19 pandemic, as per The Washington Post’s analysis. The FDA recommends that patients speak with their healthcare providers for advice on alternative treatments as there is still no exact timeline on when the supply will be restored.
The most significant impact of this shortage on children and adults with ADHD is the daily panic about going without their essential medication, with no real answers or solutions provided. One Fort Worth resident, Laurie George, recounts her struggles of continuously calling pharmacy after pharmacy, looking for one that can refill her prescription. Although after her fifth call, she found someone to refill the prescription, she is now worried about the next time she’ll be able to find a pharmacy with the medication she needs. With only about 45 pills left, she dreads the day they run out. Symptoms of ADHD, such as frequently making mistakes, difficulty with organization, and easily distracting, can further deteriorate without necessary treatment.
If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider for further consultation or advice regarding alternative treatments.