
Judicial showdown on the Rio Grande: Judge seeks removal of Texas’ anti-migrant buoys

Austin, Texas – In a recent judicial confrontation that has captured national attention, U.S. District Judge David Ezra presiding over the Department of Justice’s litigation against the State of Texas, issued an unequivocal mandate for the prompt dismantlement of existing navigational buoys in the Rio Grande River. In addition, the judge instituted a proscription against the emplacement of any further such buoys in the waterway, dismissing the Lone Star State’s claims to a legitimate interest grounded in immigration concerns.

Texas Gov. Abbott backed up his decision in court with no success

The federal jurist emphatically rejected the contention put forth by Texas Governor Greg Abbott that the installation of these floating barriers was a necessary measure to counteract what he termed an “invasion” of migrants. The Dallas Morning News reported Judge Ezra’s firm stance that the judiciary has no business adjudicating matters of a palpably political character.

Initial steps for the lawsuit were set into motion on July 24, when the U.S. Justice Department formally initiated legal proceedings against both the State of Texas and Governor Abbott. The suit contends that the installation of floating barriers in the Rio Grande—a principal conduit for migrant crossings from Mexico—occurred absent the requisite authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The litigation further asserts that the State of Texas exhibited a blatant disregard for federal permitting stipulations as delineated under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, a seminal piece of legislation that governs obstructions in navigable waterways.

While Texas marshaled a defense grounded in constitutional prerogatives, claiming a sovereign right to protect its territory from an “invasion” constituted by migrants and illicit narcotics traffickers, Judge Ezra remained manifestly unpersuaded. He underscored that the judiciary’s primary concern in this context was to ascertain whether the floating barriers interfered with navigation in a federally designated navigable waterway—eschewing any foray into the more contentious and politically fraught territory of states’ role in the enforcement of federal immigration statutes.

The anti-migrant floating buoys in Rio Grande could heavily affect diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico

Complementing the unfolding legal drama, a high-ranking official from the U.S. State Department entered testimony suggesting that the ongoing presence of these navigational buoys could exert a detrimental effect on diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico, further complicating an already intricate legal and geopolitical landscape.

Two weeks ago, Alicia Bárcena, Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs, issued a pointed rebuke against the State of Texas for the emplacement of anti-migrant buoys on the Mexican flank of the Rio Grande—a geographical landmark that is locally referred to as the Rio Bravo. The issue has gained considerable prominence, having been a recurring theme in no fewer than six daily press briefings by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador since the waning days of June.

“What we’re talking about is a very delicate situation on the border, at the Rio Grande — Rio Bravo as we call it,” Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena told reporters at the State Department at a joint news conference with Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Subsequent to an exhaustive review conducted by the binational authority tasked with overseeing the Rio Grande, revelations emerged that approximately 80% of the anti-migrant buoys deployed by Texas were improperly situated on the Mexican side of the international boundary. In a tacit acknowledgment of the study’s findings, Texas discreetly repositioned the floating barriers.

In an attempt to rationalize the controversy, Governor Abbott contended that the barriers had merely “drifted,” although the survey unambiguously indicated that a substantial number of the concrete anchors were also located within Mexican jurisdiction.

Judge David Ezra, a judicial appointee of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan, has refrained from issuing an immediate decision on the Department of Justice’s petition for a preliminary injunction mandating the removal of an estimated 1,000 feet of the controversial buoys. The anticipation is that a definitive judicial ruling will not be forthcoming until at least the subsequent week. Both litigating parties have been accorded until Friday afternoon to tender their respective written closing arguments.

During courtroom proceedings, as reported by The Dallas Morning News, Loren Flossman, an associate with buoy supplier Cochrane USA, cast aspersions on the veracity of the commission’s survey. Flossman insisted that Cochrane had meticulously mapped the riverine area prior to the buoy installations, ensuring their placement exclusively on the American side of the border. Flossman testified that the timeline required for the buoys’ removal would span roughly three weeks, a duration at odds with the expedited 10-day period for which the Justice Department is advocating.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott refuses to remove the anti-migrant floating buoys

The Justice Department has called on Texas to promptly dislodge the buoys anchored by concrete blocks. Just last month, the DOJ directed Governor Greg Abbott to take this action.

However, Abbott has declined to comply, asserting that the obstacle serves a crucial role in Operation Lone Star, particularly since he believes the federal government is failing to meet its responsibilities.

Abbott cites not just the persistent attempts by immigrants to cross into the U.S. illegally via Texas, but also the continued efforts to smuggle fentanyl into the nation through the state.

Carlton Doyle

At his current position at the Dallas Metro, Carlton brings his extensive experience and sharp intellect to every story he covers. His writing is crisp and compelling, and his attention to detail is unparalleled. Whether he's delving into hard-hitting investigative pieces or writing about lighter topics, Carlton always brings his A-game.


  1. No one is smuggling fentanyl through there and he knows it. He’s using, torturing and killing women and children for political gain. He does all this while claiming to be Christian. Abbott is a disgusting, evil human being. No wonder churches are emptying out in this country. I’d say shame on him, but he’s clearly incapable of shame.

  2. It’s good to see a Judge keeping politics out of the law.

    Abbott is a failed attempt at a human being. His insistence on using barbaric means to stop poor people crossing a river shows he is not a “good Christian”. His insistence on ignoring the law shows he is unfit to be Governor.

    Why do you keep voting for him, Texans?

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